Popular Danish EUSBSR seminar held in Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News
MEP Anne E. Jensen
MEP Anne E. Jensen speaking at EUSBSR seminar in Copenhagen

For the 3rd consecutive year BDF organised a seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region targeted Danish stakeholders in close cooperation with Danish Regions, the European Commission representation in Denmark, the Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority of Denmark and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

The seminar took place in Copenhagen 9 September 2011.

Lars W. Andersen, BDF Board Member, opened the seminar on behalf of the Chairman. In his welcome speech he introduced among others Ms. Anne E. Jensen, MEP. Among the key conclusions at the seminar were that the Baltic Sea Region strategy has exhibited the region’s potential as a model for economic development through interregional cooperation. Water and tourism are examples of themes where Danish technology and cooperation traditions can contribute considerably to the strategy.


However, as concluded by Hans Brask, Director of BDF, it is crucial to take further steps in the following directions:

The seminar also recommended that EU should reserve small and flexible funding to support e.g. pilot projects within the Baltic Sea Region strategy.

The seminar called for intensified cooperation to address the water problems, turning the global challenges into business opportunities. In the Baltic Sea Region a high technological level is combined with unique cooperation experiences. The region can serve as a business case on the global water scene.

Similarly, there is an unexploited potential in tourism. Danish tourism can learn from strategic approaches in neighboring regions, e.g. Northern Germany. Also the creative business can inspire the tourism sector by creating new innovative value, e.g. through events, increasing productivity in the sector.

Below you find links to presentations, conclusions (in Danish) and the draft paper “Water in the Baltic Sea Region: A sea of challenges and business opportunities. A possible outline for joint action.” elaborated by BDF.

Click here to see more pictures from the seminar. They are all available for download. Please credit photographer Ulla Hilden if you publish them.

Text: Torben Aaberg, BDF
Photos: Ulla Hilden, Danish Regions

Conclusions (in Danish)

Water Memo

Lars W. Andersen presentation

Knud Andersen presentation

Ida Strand presentation

Nylandsted Larsen presentation

Rasmus Wiinstedt-Tscherning presentation

Finn Lauritzen presentation

Hans-Martin Friis-Møller presentation

Karin Klitgaard presentation

Catharina Sørensen presentation
