COP 14 Statement

in Debate, News

Joint Platform on Energy – Statement for the UN Climate Change Conference

Baltic Sea Region Joint Platform on Energy and Climate calls for immediate actions at all levels and regional initiatives in a joint statement to the COP 14/the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland.

– Climate change is a challenge that has to be tackled at all levels – from local to global. However, national borders and institutional settings may constitute barriers in targeting efforts at all the appropriate levels.

The Joint Platform on Energy and Climate of the Baltic Sea Region, established in order to overcome barriers and to exploit the huge potentials that exist in this Region in terms of environmental and climate friendly solutions. The aim of the joint initiative is to enhance regional coordination and cooperation in the field of energy and climate change, as well as to promote the importance of the regional focus to all potential stakeholders, in particular the national and intergovernmental authorities of the Baltic Sea Region. The Joint Platform on Energy and Climate works for a strong cooperation among regional organisations and focus on issues such as integration of the energy markets and the infrastructure, as well as competitive, stable and secure energy supply in the Baltic Sea Region and initiatives that can help reduce CO2 emissions.

Read the Regional response to climate change – Statement of the Baltic Sea Region Joint Platform on Energy and Climate.