Conclusions Almedalen

in BDF Events, Debate, News

Outlining Basic Principles for the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy

Per Unckel at the seminar, photo by Stig Hammarstedt.

During the two-day seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, arranged by Sida’s Baltic Sea Unit and Baltic Development Forum at the Almedalen “Political Week” in Gotland, Sweden, some 56 speakers and more than 400 participants debated the goals and practicalities of the European Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Documentation from the seminars now available here!
The main conclusions from the discussions were:

In the course of the day, the Baltic Sea Region’s future economic potential and growth, labour mobility and transport solutions were discussed by Dr. Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School, Alf Vanags from the organisation BICEPS in Riga, Professor Pontus Braunerhjelm, Chaiman of the Globalisation Council, Confederation of Swedish Industries Chief Economist Dr Stefan Fölster, and Stockholm County Governor Per Unckel as well as representatives from the Baltic Sea Region.

For further information please contact Dr Mikael Olsson, at Sida, phone 46-732-572511, or Hans Brask, Director for Baltic Development Forum, tel: +45 602 18581.

Download slides and summary about/from the event.