News Categories

18th Baltic Development Forum Summit: State of the Region Report Launches

in BDF Events, News, Publications

During the 18th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the 7th Strategy Forum for the EUSBSR, BDF launched three new “State of the Region Reports” providing an economic and political outlook for the region and analyzing the perspectives for regional cooperation. The 18th BDF Summit explored the potential for growth, innovation and competitiveness in the current changing political and economic environment,…

Transnational Innovation and Digitalisation: Policy Papers and Strategy Guide

in News, Publications

We are pleased to share with you the Strategy Guide 2016 – 2020. This publication provides guidance on how to boost innovation in the context of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Region (EUSBSR). Achieving innovation in the Baltic Sea Region is essentially about intelligently combining the regional strengths, competences and stakeholders. The aim of this strategy guide is to…

BDF Summit 2015: Exploring the State of the Region

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The 17th Baltic Development Forum Summit was held in Copenhagen on 23rd November under the heading “Europe-wide challenges, regional solutions”. The Summit gathered decision makers from business, government and academia across the Baltic Sea region for a one-day compact Summit with a focus on competitiveness and business and investment opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region. In her opening speech Lene…

BDF Summit 2015: Two New Reports from Top of Digital Europe

in BDF Events, News, Publications

Two new studies of the digital economy in the Baltic Sea Region were published under the wings of the regional ICT Think Tank “Top of Digital Europe” established by BDF and Microsoft: The first edition of the “State of the Digital Region” report, an annual updated overview of the region´s achievements and position as a global ICT hub. The second…

BDF Summit 2015: Challenges and Game Changers – Tuning in on the Current Political Dialogue in the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The discussions in the session “The Baltic Sea Region: Challenges and Game Changers” was based around a paper by Tobias Etzold and Christian Opitz, Stiftung Wissenshaft und Politik. The paper suggests that a meaningful cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region involving Russia is still possible and recommends a step-by-step approach as a possible way forward. This approach would entail stabilizing…

Coding the future: Discussion paper from Top of Digital Europe

in News, Publications

Programming in school should be on top of the agenda! That is one of the recommendations in a discussion paper published by “Top of Digital Europe”. The paper, “Coding the Future – The challenge of meeting future e-skill demands in the Nordic-Baltic ICT hub”, deals with the emerging gap between demand and supply of ICT specialists. In Europe, this gap…

Invest in the Baltic Sea Region – Investment Promotion Agencies Forum 2014

in News, Projects, Publications

Towards a more globally competitive Baltic Sea Region through cooperation and joined forces Business Plan for Investment Promotion Agencies of the Baltic Sea Region Investment Promotion Agencies Forum 2014 The Baltic Sea Region is still one of the economically most competitive regions in the world. However, foreign companies are still of significant importance for the national and regional economy in terms…

Political State of the Region Report 2014: Baltic Sea Neighbourhoods – A Mega-Region in Progress?

in News, Publications

The Political State of the Region Report 2014 focuses on the Baltic Sea Region and its neighbourhoods. It analyses current internal and external dynamics and political developments in the light of the recent crisis around Ukraine. The report concludes that the region is still rightly recognised as a model for cross-border convergence and cooperation in numerous areas and outlines that…

BDF Report: Making Water Your Business – Company Perspectives from the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Publications

Responsible water management is good business that can mitigate risks, cut down on costs, build trust with consumers and decision-making, and provide companies with a competitive advantage. These are some of the main points outlined in the report “Making Water Your Business – Company Perspectives from the Baltic Sea Region”, launched by the Baltic Development Forum at the 16th BDF…