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2017 State of the Region Report

in Publications

Under the heading “The Top of Europe – A Competitive Baltic Sea Region Ready for the Future?”, this year´s BDF State of the Region Report once again takes the temperature on growth, innovation and competitiveness in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The three authors Christian Ketels, Helge J. Pedersen and Mikael Olsson analyses the BSR economy and assesses the state…

New ‘State of the Digital Region 2017’ Online Now

in News, Press, Projects, Publications

Download here   The future is not jobless, but learning intensive Top of Digital Europe, ICT think tank for the Baltic Sea Region, has today released State of the Digital Region 2017: Exploring Automation, Education and Learning in the Baltic Sea Region. The report is the region’s most comprehensive overview of how the countries in the BSR, often ranked as…

The Baltic Sea Region as a global digital test hub?

in News, Projects, Publications

New discussion paper on sharing test beds across borders   Test and demonstration facilities, often named Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) play a pivotal role for successful commercialization of new digital products and services, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). There seems to be a strong correlation between competitiveness of technology-based SMEs and their access to test beds. However,…

A new Momentum for Nordic-Baltic Cooperation in a turbulent Europe?

Brexit, Trump, the refugee crisis and a changing global economy are challenging Europe. Where does that leave the Baltic Sea Region and what is the potential to tackle these challenges via stronger regional cooperation? Can the small, open economies in the Nordic-Baltic region respond with a common voice to influence the future of Europe? BDF and the Nordic Council of…

Discussion Paper: The Future of Europe and Globalization

in Debate, News, Publications

Baltic Development Forum together with the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) have launched a discussion paper titled “The Future of Europe and Globalization: Where is the Voice of the Baltic Sea Region?”. The paper has been developed by Dr. Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School, and Dr. David Skilling, Director of Landfall Strategy Group. The paper aims to…

2017 State of the Political Region Report

in Debate, News, Publications

This year`s Political State of the Region Report shares the perspectives of six young researchers from different countries in the region. The authors seek to analyse the impact that the Brexit and the new administration in Washington has or will have on cooperation-patterns. A conclusion from the report is that the observations and predictions differ substantially throughout the region. Jana…

BDF’s State of the Digital Region Report at Nordic-Baltic Ministerial Conference

in Debate, News, Publications

On 25th April, the State of the Digital Region Report “Cities connecting the digital economy in the Baltic Sea Region” was presented by co-author Prof. Martin Andersson in the opening session of the  Digital North conference. This first Nordic-Baltic ministerial conference on digitalization was organized in Oslo by Nordic Cooperation and the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government & Modernisation. Martin…

Towards a Cross-border Open Data Agenda

in Debate, News, Publications

Top of Digital Europe has launched a Discussion Paper “Towards a Cross-border Open Data Agenda – A Case for a macro-regional agenda on open government data in the Baltic Sea Region”. The aim is to initiate a debate on the vast potential for open government data across borders in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). It is a call to governments…