News Categories

Report now available: Guide to Financing Energy Efficiency in Russia – RENSOL Experience

in News, Projects, Publications

Russia is the world’s fourth largest energy consuming country with energy intensity several times higher than of the developed world. This provides a huge potential for Energy Efficiency (EE) savings. Tapping into this potential requires a substantial scaling of EE projects financing. According to various estimates around 230 billion EUR are needed to reach 40% reduction of energy intensity in…

International Seminar in Kaliningrad 22 January on Development of District Heating in Municipalities | RENSOL

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Within the Rensol Project, Baltic Development Forum is organizing an International Seminar – Development of District Heating in Municipalities 22-23 January in Kaliningrad. The purpose of this seminar is not only to discuss district heating, but also to ensure further multiplication of Rensol’s results. The seminar is organized together with the Nordic Council of Ministers Information Office in Kaliningrad, and…

Register for the Smart City workshop in Tartu 20 January

in News, Projects

Registration is open for the Baltic Urban Forum working group meeting in Tartu, Estonia, on 20 January. Take the opportunity to meet with actors from across the Baltic Sea Region and explore the road ahead for smart city development. In this one day workshop we will be preparing a concept for a “Baltic Sea Region Urban Forum for Smart Cities”….

EU project – Rensol presented at the 8th Energy Forum in Sopot

in Debate, News, Projects

Decentralised government levels are keeping the energy efficiency agenda high on the agenda On behalf of Rensol ( EU financed project) Hans Brask, Director of the Baltic Development Forum, participated in the 8th Energy Forum 16-18 December 2013 in Sopot just outside Gdansk in Poland – the Polish neighbouring region of Kaliningrad.  Please find more information about the Conference on Energy Forum’s…

Join us in Tartu for the Baltic Urban Forum workshop 19-20 Jan 2014

in News, Projects

Noting that cities are playing the most important role in the development of the Baltic Sea Region development, UBC Board together with the Baltic Development Forum, the City of Turku and Tartu Smart City Lab has taken the initiative to prepare a concept for a “Baltic Sea Region Urban Forum for Smart Cities”.  The initiative has received initial financing for the preparatory…

The Baltic Sea Region Identity, Branding and Communication

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Monday 9 December 2013 – City Hall of Helsinki, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13, Helsinki, Finland The countries and regions around the Baltic Sea Region have come closer during recent years. Is it only due to a community of interests or do we share more than that – values, norms and a “we-feeling”? If so, is it possible to boost joint promotion and regional identity…

Investment Promotion Agencies meet to discuss Cleantech and Growth Capital – 5 November Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On 5th November 2013, Baltic Development Forum will host the fourth meeting of the Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) of the Baltic Sea Region. In a unique EU supported initiative, the Investment Promotion Agencies of the region meet regularly to identify possible areas for regional cooperation. During the upcoming meeting the objective is to discuss Cleantech and Sustainability as a prioritised sector for investment promotion…

Report on Nordic solutions to improve energy efficiency in buildings – now available!

in News, Projects, Publications

Applying Nordic Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast Baltic Development Forum acts as the Lead Partner of RENSOL project, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast”. The project was started with the identification of feasible energy efficient and renewable energy solutions in Nordic countries that could also be adapted to Kaliningrad region. Possibilities to improve housing energy…

Call for New Bloggers from the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

Ten nations and over 60 stories already – but much more to come The ONE Baltic Sea Region bloggers have shared stories from their daily lives since March 2013. Eleven bloggers have been posting about specialties and quirks from their respective nations. Their blogs are posted on the One BSR website and also on newsWave, the Baltic Sea Region news…