News Categories

Digital Talents in the Baltic Sea Region

in Debate, News

Do we recognize our digital talents? How can we design joint ecosystems to foster human capital excellence across the Baltic Sea region?  How can we keep talents in the region and compete effectively with global leaders? How to get from brain circulation to building capacity? These were some of the questions discussed by an expert panel on 16 June in…

BDF in round table on digitisation with Estonia’s President Ilves

in Debate, News

President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, was guest of honor at the Confederation of Danish Industry on 6 November. The Confederation had invited selected partners, including BDF, to an exclusive business round table to discuss digitization and the Digital Single Market with the President. Estonia is well known as a digital frontrunner and President Ilves is personally warmly engaged in…

BDF at VI Annual Forum of EUSBSR and the EU Digital Assembly, Latvia

in Debate, News

BDF took part in the 6th Annual Forum for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region in Jurmala, Latvia on 15-16 June. The Annual Forum was a great opportunity for networking with many of BDF´s good and close collaboration partners, for inspiration, and for discussion on the future direction for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region. With…

Top of Digital Europe at the Finance IT Day Baltic

in Debate, News

As a key note speaker in the morning session, Flemming Stender, Director of Baltic Development Forum (BDF), highlighted the need for more regional cooperation among the Nordic and Baltic countries in order to develop world-leading cross-border digital solutions in finance and turn them into growth enablers for the region. He underlined the huge economic potential for implementation of the digital…

”Top of Digital Europe” enters the European debate on e-skills

in Debate, News

Baltic Development Forum was invited to introduce an upcoming discussion paper on e-skills at the high-level conference “e-skills for jobs 2015”, organized in Riga on 13 March by the Latvian EU Presidency, the European Commission, the Latvian ICT Association LIKTA, DIGITALEUROPE and others. The paper is being elaborated by the ICT Think Tank “Top of Digital Europe” as a joint…

Debate article: Digital growth through regional cooperation

in Debate, News

The Baltic Sea Region is world leading within the digital sectors. If we want to stay competitive in a globalised world, we should continue to stimulate international success in the area of information and communication technology. Therefore we need to strengthen the regional cooperation and remove barriers for growth. If we don’t, then we risk to loose our front line…

Martin Lidegaard: The Rising Importance of the Baltic Sea Region – Article in Baltic Rim Economies issue 4/2010

in Debate, News

The Baltic region is unique in many respects. It shares many commonalities. History, culture, economic development and not least economic potential are but a few examples. The Baltic Sea area is a region with immense potential. And the EU membership of Poland and the Baltic states has given the area more clout. We work together, trade together and share a…

Baltic Development Forum at the Swedish Almedalsveckan

in Debate, News

Baltic Development Forum was present as Almedalsveckan, the ”Almedalen Week”, took place 26 June – 6 July. Almedalsveckan is the annual forum for Swedish internal politics, and gathers the political parties, the media, organisations and spokespeople on a multitude of issues in Visby, Gotland. The 2014 Almedalsveckan saw 25 000 participants, 50 000 visitors and 700 journalists attend around 3400…