News Categories

International Seminar in Kaliningrad 22 January on Development of District Heating in Municipalities | RENSOL

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Within the Rensol Project, Baltic Development Forum is organizing an International Seminar – Development of District Heating in Municipalities 22-23 January in Kaliningrad. The purpose of this seminar is not only to discuss district heating, but also to ensure further multiplication of Rensol’s results. The seminar is organized together with the Nordic Council of Ministers Information Office in Kaliningrad, and…

The Baltic Sea Conference 2013 Report is now available

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The “Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries”, held in Copenhagen on 3 October 2013, brought together high-level participants from the European Commission and Danish government, and actors from throughout the Baltic Sea Region – from different sectors and levels of decision making – in order to chart the way forward for an environmentally sound and…

Big Data is for everybody. It’s Data Driven Innovation!

in BDF Events, News

Big data can make us stay competitive, to retain and create jobs in the Baltic Sea Region. The challenge is to be first movers in new innovations Talent recruitment, education, and e-health are some exemplary areas with a high potential for cross-border cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region Big Data needs story telling! These were some of the key messages…

Images from Baltic Development Forum’s fifteen year anniversary – 25 November

in BDF Events, News

More than 60 people came together for the birthday reception at BDF premises. Member of the Board Helle Bechgaard welcomed all guests and began the reception with a moment of silence to honour Chairman Hans Skov Christensen. The Latvian Ambassador to Denmark Kaspars Ozoliņš honoured BDF’s work by presenting a Certificate of Recognition from the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers, signed by Prime Minister…

The Baltic Sea Region Identity, Branding and Communication

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Monday 9 December 2013 – City Hall of Helsinki, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13, Helsinki, Finland The countries and regions around the Baltic Sea Region have come closer during recent years. Is it only due to a community of interests or do we share more than that – values, norms and a “we-feeling”? If so, is it possible to boost joint promotion and regional identity…

Registration is Open for the Big Data Conference

in BDF Events, News

The Big Data Revolution: Regional growth and business opportunities How to make business out of Big Data? How can Big Data boost regional growth and competitiveness? What kind of innovations comes out of giving small, adaptable entrepreneurs free access to data? What happens when we combine creative intelligence with data and social engineering across sectors and disciplines? Join our conference and…

Baltic Development Forum at 15: the story so far

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Development Forum is coming of age and we are happy to invite you to celebrate our crystal Anniversary on 25 November at 15:30 at our Secretariat at Nytorv 3 in Copenhagen. At fifteen you look for your role in the future and you know that new times need new ways to act. We are never too old to learn…

Investment Promotion Agencies meet to discuss Cleantech and Growth Capital – 5 November Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On 5th November 2013, Baltic Development Forum will host the fourth meeting of the Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) of the Baltic Sea Region. In a unique EU supported initiative, the Investment Promotion Agencies of the region meet regularly to identify possible areas for regional cooperation. During the upcoming meeting the objective is to discuss Cleantech and Sustainability as a prioritised sector for investment promotion…

Big Data Revolution in the Baltic Sea Region?

in BDF Events, News

The Baltic Sea Region is among the world’s leading ICT clusters. In many ways, the Region is a role model for how the digital economy can stimulate growth and competitiveness. In combination with a developed tradition for cross-border cooperation and public-private dialogue, the Region has a huge potential for paving new paths in the digital area. This also refers to…

Baltic Business Arena 2013 a Success!

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Business Arena 2013, the 3rd of its kind, has once again proved itself to be a valuable platform for business dialogues and has positioned the Baltic Sea region as a place to do business. Baltic Business Arena 2013 took place during the 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit in Riga, Latvia and attracted 78 companies from 7 countries in the…