Call for nominations for the Baltic Sea Award 2014

in News

baltic_sea_award_diplomaEstablished in 2007, the Baltic Sea Award will be presented for the 8th time in 2014 to honour a candidate that has made outstanding contribution to the sustainable development of the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Development Forum welcomes you to suggest the most promising candidates. The award ceremony will take place at the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 on 30 September 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark.


The Baltic Sea Award is presented to an individual or organisation that have fulfilled one or several of the following criteria:

• Made an extraordinary contribution to Baltic Sea Region development
• Played a leading role or been a role model in the region’s economic development
• Strengthened economic cooperation between the countries in the region
• Developed new business concepts and research programmes
• Capitalised on competitive advantages in the region in a new and innovative way
• Made a contribution to the improvement of the regional challenges within climate, energy and environment
• Linked innovators and local universities in the trade and industry
• Concretely supported existing and growing regional clusters
• Attracted and stimulated regional driving forces

The prize sum is 5000 euro.

Please send your nominations of candidates by e-mail to the Baltic Development Forum Secretariat at Please write “Nomination Baltic Sea Award 2014″ in the subject line.

Previous Baltic Sea Award Winners are:
• 2013 – Carl Bildt, Foreign Minister of Sweden, and Radoslaw Sikorski, Foreign Minister of Poland
• 2012 – Lars Börjesson, Chairman of the steering committee at European Spallation Source and MAX IV laboratory
• 2011 – Professor Arjen Hoekstra
• 2010 – Cruise Baltic – a network of 27 cruise destinations in the Baltic Sea uniting ten countries
• 2009 – Arminta Saladžienė, Chairman of the Management Board of NASDAQ OMX in Lithuania
• 2008 – Tarja Halonen, President of Finland, for her strong commitment for the region
• 2007 – Björn Carlsson, founder of Baltic Sea 2020

For more information, see:
