BDF visit to Gdansk

in News

BDF visited the Polish Cities Gdansk, Sopot and Pomorskie Region on 8 – 10 December 2010, partners that will host BDF Summit/Annual Forum in 2011 under the Polish EU Presidency.

Gdansk city streets in winter

BDF was warmly welcomed by BDF’s cooperation partner, Pomorskie region, and professionally guided through Gdansk’ and neighboring city Sopot’s most prominent places, especially the Polish Baltic F. Chopin Philharmonic in Gdańsk. BDF was impressed by the culture and charm of the city that combines a contemporary development with its important roots in history. Gdansk has played a very important and dominating role in the whole Baltic Sea Region in historic times and also in recent history where the Solidarność-movement contributed decisively to the political change in Poland at the end of the 1980’ies. The port and shipyard of Gdansk has always been at the centre of the city and its political role.

Regional authorities

BDF had meetings with Krystyna Wroblewska, Director, Department of International Co-operation, Pomorskie Region, Marcin Piątkowski, Manager of the Investor Assistance Centre in the Pomeranian Development Agency, and Przemysław Rot, Manager, Business Promotion Division, the Gdańsk City Hall. The dialogue reflected a great mutual interest in cooperating on the coming events as a unique chance to address the European, national and regional achievements. The debate on political issues addressed the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its implementation within the context of next year events.

BDF also met with Honorary Consul, Julian F. Skelnik who is also chairman of Baltic Ports Organization and Vice President of the Board of The Port of Gdansk. BDF had pleasure to meet Martin Bang, First Secretary, Danish Embassy in Warsaw that kindly provided funds for Christmas lunch.

Business representatives

BDF also met representatives of the private sector including Maciej Dobrzyniecki, Head of the Gdańsk outpost of the Business Centre Club in Poland; Marek Dądelewski, Director, Regional Pomorskie Chamber of Commerce; Dariusz Gobis, Director, Pomorskie Chamber of Craftsmen for Small and Medium Size Enterprises; Jaroslaw Szponarski, Project Manager, Pomeranian Special Economic Zone and Iga Pachulska, Gdansk Science & Technology Park, Pomeranian Special Economic Zone and Adam Loewe, Deputy of Director General for Strategy and International Relations, one of the biggest energy companies Lotos. A dialogue with business representatives shed light on the areas of concerns that Polish business is tackling and would like to discuss with other stakeholders in the region.

Gdansk University

BDF also met with Bernard Lammek, Rector of the University of Gdańsk, Prof. Dr hab. and Maria Mendel, Pro- Rector for Educational Affairs, Prof. Dr hab at the University of Gdansk and Tomasz Zelazny, President of the Board, The Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdansk where BDF chairman Uffe Ellemann-Jensen is an honorary professor. The University showed its full backing and openness to cooperate on the BDF Summit/Annual Forum.

To sum up, hospitality, responsiveness and openness of Gdansk and Pomorskie Region came as a extraordinary experience for the whole BDF team who is now looking forward to cooperation with Polish and regional stakeholders next year.

Contact person in BDF: Viktoria Nilsson,