BDF at VI Annual Forum of EUSBSR and the EU Digital Assembly, Latvia

in Debate, News

BDF took part in the 6th Annual Forum for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region in Jurmala, Latvia on 15-16 June. The Annual Forum was a great opportunity for networking with many of BDF´s good and close collaboration partners, for inspiration, and for discussion on the future direction for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region. With the new revised action plan now in place, BDF is actively involved in the development of the new PA Innovation as well as taking part in the Task Force on communication for the EU Strategy.

BDF was present with a stand in the Networking Village displaying reports and materials from both BDF and Top of Digital Europe. In the networking village, BDF also had the opportunity to give a presentation about the work and coming initiatives of Top of Digital Europe. Furthermore, BDF was represented by Jørgen Abild Andersen, member of Advisory Board of BDF´s ICT think tank “Top of Digital Europe in the plenary session on barriers and potential for e-connectivity and e-quality where also Microsoft, co-founder of the Top of Digital Europe initiative, took part.

EU Digital Assembly

Later the same week, BDF and Top of Digital Europe was invited to the EU Digital Assembly in Riga, organised by the Latvian EU Presidency and the European Commission, in cooperation with Latvian ICT Association LIKTA on17-18 June.

The conference discussed the recently launched Digital Single Market Strategy and how new policy initiatives can help business, entrepreneurs and consumers to deal with cross border challenges and release potentials related to skills, trust and confidence, content and copyright, technological innovation and digitisation of industry and much more.


Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society



Signe Balina, President of LIKTA, Member of “Top of Digital Europe” Advisory Board
