BDF Energy and Climate Seminar with CBSS Foreign Ministers

in BDF Events, News

In connection with the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Ministerial meeting in Elsinore, Denmark, BDF organised a high-level seminar on energy and climate on June 4th as part of the meeting.

The seminar on different energy scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region attracted different stakeholders from the private and public sector: International organisations, including Baltic Sea Region Energy Co-operation, Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Investment Bank, and Union of Baltic Cities Energy Commission; Nordic Energy Research and Energy companies such as E.ON, DONG Energy, Gasunie and Vestas, as well as Consultancy companies, such as Grontmij/Carl Bro and others.

The Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Norway, Finland and Ukraine participated actively in the discussion that was moderated by Deputy State Secretary in the Danish Energy Agency, Hans Jørgen Koch, who is also chairman of the Group of Senior Energy Officials (GSEO) of the Baltic Sea Region. The EU Commissioner Siim Kallas and the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference Christina Gestrin and the State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Frank Belfrage also took part in the introductory part of the seminar.

The discussions were based on the preliminary results of the study “Enhanced Regional Energy Co-operation in

Anders Kofoed-Wiuff presenting the preliminary results of the Energy study

the Baltic Sea Region”, carried out by BDF and Ea Energy Analyses (see document above).

The study has two parallel objectives: 1) to promote a common energy agenda for the Baltic Sea Region through the involvement of key stakeholders, and 2) to provide a substantial basis for discussion of different energy scenarios for the region based on an analysis of energy data of all the countries in the Region.

A presentation of the main findings and energy scenarios for the region was presented by energy expert Anders Kofoed-Wiuff. The final results of the study will be presented at the BDF Summit 5-6 October in Stockholm. The presentation was followed by vivid discussion among the energy experts on how to create a “Green Valley” on Top of Europe.

Read/download the Report.

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