BaltMet Promo attracts tourists, talents and investments to the Baltic Sea Region

in News

A new transnational, regional development project BaltMet Promo will be launched in 2010.

The project will round up a wide and multisectoral marketing community to improve the international competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region. Joining together both public and private actors, the project will energize regional interaction and highlight regional strengths in the fields of tourism, talent and investments. This will be done by creating concrete promotional products, which are designed, launched and evaluated in transnational cooperation.

The project idea and preparation for it are based on the collaborative effort of Baltic Metropoles Network (BaltMet), a forum for large metropolitan cities around the Baltic Sea. The objective and method of implementation raised the interest of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007–2013. The merits of the project were deemed important enough so as to grant a 2,7 million Euro funding for the two-year project.

The project partners are City of Helsinki, Helsinki School of Economics, Baltic Development Forum, City of Berlin, City of Warsaw, Greater Helsinki Promotion Ltd, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, City of Riga and City of Vilnius. The City of Helsinki is the coordinating partner.

Baltmet Promo is an innovative way of doing regional promotion

BaltMet Promo’s concrete promotional action for the Baltic Sea Region is realized through the development of three pilot products which will be tested in the focused global markets. The pilot products will be targeted at improving the competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region and strengthening its position in the international markets. The project community will package joint promotional products and services in the areas of tourism (aiming to attract more Japanese tourist to the BSR), talent (aiming to attract Japanese film industry talents to the Baltic Sea Region) and investment attraction (aiming at attracting international investment projects).

BaltMet Promo will produce transnational marketing products as well as methods for collaborative promotion for the Baltic Sea Region. The project brings partners from both private and public sectors to work together as a network of shared responsibility and specialized expertise. The pilot teams consist of experts in their respective fields and there is a shared service platform that provides the pilots with the intelligence and marketing and communication support needed.

The project partners have been carefully selected to bring forth the relevant know-how ensuring efficient project execution. In addition to the project partners the project community includes a number of associated partners from Sweden, Norway, Estonia and Russia. The goal is to expand the network even further by involving a wide variety of external partners in the working community.

For more information

Ms. Riikka Lahdensuo, City of Helsinki / Department for International Relations
Tel: +358 9 310 36044, mobile: +358 50 5811700

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