Baltic Sea Region – a Shortcut to the Digital Single Market?

in News

Europe needs new growth initiatives! Inspired by Estonia’s Prime Minister Mr. Andrus Ansip, BDF and BCCA (Baltic Sea Chamber of Commerce) early 2012 initiated a project to investigate how the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) can contribute to the development of a Digital Single Market in Europe. The aim is to develop a Strategy or Action Plan for BSR initiatives that point out concrete solutions, experiences and case studies to inspire the rest of EU.

A study has been carried out by Copenhagen Economics on a grant from Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket). The study has identified and analysed the impact of key barriers and growth drivers. To qualify the work and develop policy recommendations we have set up a Policy Advisory Group of public and private ICT key representatives in the BSR. The group has met in Copenhagen in March and Tallinn in April, hosted by respectively IBM Denmark and Ericsson Estonia. The analysis and the discussions of the group is now summarised by BCCA in a report with concrete policy recommendations, to be discussed at a special session at the BDF Summit/EUSBSR Annual Forum 2012. At the session the recommendations will be commented by – among others – representatives for the Danish EU Presidency having the Digital Single Market as a prioritised topic.

The Policy Advisory Group will meet in connection with the session to discuss the outcome and the continued work. Prime Minister Ansip will attend the meeting as special guest.

BDF Contact Person: Torben Aaberg, Head of Public Affairs,

Andrus Ansip
Andrus Ansip, Prime Minister of Estonia


Linna Viik, Estonian IT College
Linnar Viik, Estonian IT College. Tallinn, April 2012.
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