Attraction of US investments to the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Investment Promotion Agencies met in Warsaw on February 4th

For the fifth time, Baltic Development Forum had invited all Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) of the Baltic Sea Region to boost attractiveness of the Baltic Sea Region through joint actions.  Together with the meeting’s kind host- Invest Poland, BDF had invited not only investment promotion professionals but also experts within the topic to discuss US as a prioritised market and M&A practice in the region – programme.


US Investments

Discussion on attraction of US investments into the BSR included possible consequences of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The Polish think-tank Demos Europa prepared a background paper on the topic that served as a good starting point for the discussion.

We also heard about the experience of American Polish Chamber of Commerce in terms of the US trade, investment and industry involvement and also learned about the strategic decision processes behind investments from Procter&Gambe and Raben Group (Logistics), that were made in the Baltic Sea Region and especially in Poland.

Mergers & Acquisitions

In terms of Mergers & Acquisitions, a topic somewhat challenging for IPAs, Magnusson Law Firm shared its experience within the field, discussed the role of the IPAs, Law Firms and consultancies especially when working with this type of FDI.
To facilitate exchange of best practice and share success stories, Business Sweden introduced Swedish IPAs’ experience and its strategy within the topic. We were happy to see that present IPAs engaged in an active discussion and that this meeting resulted in good cooperation initiatives.

The BSR IPAs initiative is part of the Partly EU-financed ONE BSR project and its aim is to enable the IPAs to meet regularly to exchange best practice and information on how the investment promotion work is organised and pursued, as well as to find areas where the IPAs should join efforts thereby increasing the success in attracting investments to the region.

Here you can find more pictures of the meeting.

Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
