
Baltic Development Forum organises a large number of events annually, ranging from large conferences to intimate round table discussions. The events serve to connect stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region, to further knowledge on thematic issues, and to shape regional policy and collaboration. Browse news from past and upcoming events below.
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The BDF Summit 2009 Opened

in BDF Events, News

Today the BDF Summit 2009 in Stockholm was declared open by H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. The Mayor of Stockholm Sten Nordin greeted the participants in the BDF Summit 2009 Welcome to his city, where after Dr. Christian Ketels warmed up the audience with presenting the 2009 edition of BDF’s State of the Region Report. Introductory speeches were held…

Danish Stakeholder Seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News

Today Baltic Development Forum carried out a seminar in Copenhagen on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its possible Danish interest areas.   The seminar was organized by BDF in close cooperation with Danish Regions, the European Commission representation in Denmark, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. For a press release in Danish on the…

Energy Workshop in Kaliningrad

in BDF Events, News

The Workshop “Energizing Sustainable Growth” took place in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, on June 10-11th. The objective was to strengthen the dialogue with Russian partners within the climate and energy agenda. BDF was one of the organisers. Together with the Baltic Sea Region Energy Co-operation (BASREC), Nordic Council of Ministers’ Information Office in Kaliningrad and the Government of the Kaliningrad Region…

BDF Energy and Climate Seminar with CBSS Foreign Ministers

in BDF Events, News

In connection with the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Ministerial meeting in Elsinore, Denmark, BDF organised a high-level seminar on energy and climate on June 4th as part of the meeting. The seminar on different energy scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region attracted different stakeholders from the private and public sector: International organisations, including Baltic Sea Region Energy…

Clean Tech Business Meeting with Swedish Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren

in BDF Events, Debate, News

In order to discuss the creation of a new regional business platform for clean water solutions for the Baltic Sea, Baltic Development Forum invited Swedish Minister for the Environment, Andreas Carlgren and companies in the water sector to an informal round table meeting on 16 April at BDF’s office in Copenhagen. Director Hans Brask introduced the topic by making reference…

Breakfast Meeting with Commissioner Piebalgs

in BDF Events, News

The European Commissioner for Energy, Mr. Andris Piebalgs, has high hopes for the Baltic Sea Region, but the potential is unexploited in the field of energy collaboration: Thanks to its positive homogeneity, the region could be a showcase for the rest of Europe. The positive experience and the best practice of the Baltic Sea Region could even be transferred to…

Dinner Debate in Danish Parliament

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Sea Region Scenarios for the Transformation to Renewable Energy Sources Together with Nordic Council and Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, Baltic Development Forum is co-hosting Dinner Debate on the Baltic Sea Region Scenarios for the Transformation to Renewable Energy Sources, in the Danish Parliament. The development of the energy systems in the Baltic Sea Region tends to be more and…

Conclusions Almedalen

in BDF Events, Debate, News

Outlining Basic Principles for the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy During the two-day seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, arranged by Sida’s Baltic Sea Unit and Baltic Development Forum at the Almedalen “Political Week” in Gotland, Sweden, some 56 speakers and more than 400 participants debated the goals and practicalities of the European Strategy for the…

Report Warsaw Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The conference on “The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness” held on 3 June 2009 in Radisson SAS Hotel in Warsaw was organised jointly by demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, Swedish Embassy in Warsaw, the Office of the Committee for European Integration, the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Baltic Development…

Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness

in BDF Events, News, Publications

BDF was one of the organizers of a Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region held in Warsaw on June 3rd titled “Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness”. Specially invited speakers were the Polish Ministers Piotr Serafin and Michał Boni, the Speaker of the Swedish Riksdag Mr. Per Westerberg and the CEO of Pekao SA Mr….