
Baltic Development Forum organises a large number of events annually, ranging from large conferences to intimate round table discussions. The events serve to connect stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region, to further knowledge on thematic issues, and to shape regional policy and collaboration. Browse news from past and upcoming events below.
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Evaluation of the BDF Annual Summit in Riga 2013

in BDF Events, News

The 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit was held in Riga, Latvia, 29-30 May under the title “New Realities – New Opportunities. Competitiveness, investments and business development in the Baltic Sea Region.” This year’s Summit gathered ca. 750 participants. The programme and the level of speakers this year was highly appreciated and the most popular sessions this year were the Prime…

Idea Market in Tallinn 27-28 September

in BDF Events, News, Projects

An international IdeaMarket, hosted by Tallinn Incubator, took place on the 27th and 28th of September in Tallinn that was targeted at the young and ambitious, at business people and creative personalities. The ONE BSR project along with Baltic Development Forum (BDF) took part. The aim was to provide inspiration, international networking and product development. The focus for day one, 27 September, was…

Thank you for a successful Baltic Sea Conference 2013

in BDF Events, News

The “Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries” successfully gathered 300 participants in Copenhagen on 3 October, to engage in inspiring discussions on how to create a Baltic Sea Region which is both sustainable and prosperous and puts the blue and green economies in focus. Coming from the private sector, the European Commission, NGOs, international financing…

ONE BSR Meeting News

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On the 10-11 September in Copenhagen, at the beautiful premises of Eigtveds Pakhus, the ONE BSR project partners met for the third time, kindly hosted by Invest in Denmark. ONE BSR project’s overall goal is to, through joint efforts, produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region’s brand and identity, to strengthen competitiveness of the region by branding it as one…

Danish seminar on the Baltic Sea Region cooperation: “We need to do much more”

in BDF Events, News

Minister for European Affairs Nicolai Wammen signals at a Danish seminar on the Baltic Sea Region cooperation a more ambitious Danish approach towards the regional cooperation: “the Danish Government has chosen an ambitious approach to the Baltic Sea and the many networks and project activities that we see in the region. I think that the reason why we have come…

Key messages from the BDF Summit in Riga 2013

in BDF Events, News

The 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit 29-30 June in Riga, Latvia sent a strong signal: Latvia and the Baltic States have returned to the Top of Europe, demonstrating high economic growth figures and optimism for the future as well as high hopes for regional and European integration. Baltic Prime Ministers One of the highlights of the Summit was the plenary…

Kaliningrad Beach

Successful Energy Round Table Meeting in Kaliningrad 4 June 2013

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Banks and IFIs are ready to finance energy efficiency project in Kaliningrad: Regional partner countries also ready to achieve results. Within the Rensol project, Baltic Development Forum and Nordic Council of Ministers’ Information Office in Kaliningrad, organised 4 June a Round Table meeting on financing models for energy efficiency projects in Kaliningrad, Russia. The meeting took place in connection with the V…

High-level BDF Summit showed the opportunities in the aftermath of the crisis

in BDF Events, News

A success! The most focused Summit ever in a very pleasant and effective atmosphere! Those were the words used at the end of the three day discussions and matchmaking in Riga last week at the 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit. More than 600 participants registered and more than 100 companies were present. The three Prime Ministers of Latvia, Estonia and…

Two foreign Ministers win the BDF Baltic Sea Award

in BDF Events, News

They have both made extraordinary contributions to the development of the Baltic Sea Region. They have both taken innovative initiatives to foster political dialogue in Europe. The winners of the Baltic Sea Award 2013 are Mr Carl Bildt, Foreign Minister of Sweden, and Mr Radoslaw Sikorski, Foreign Minister of Poland. The winners were announced at the BDF Summit Gala Dinner…