15th Baltic Development Forum Summit to take place 29-30 May 2013 in Riga, Latvia

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On 6 December, the Government of Latvia and Baltic Development Forum signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit to take place 29-30 May 2013 in Riga. The memorandum was signed by Minister of Economy, Mr. Pavluts, and Director of BDF, Mr. Brask.

Today, we are signing a document that sends a clear signal – the Baltic Sea or Baltic-Nordic region is one of the most dynamic and economically vibrant parts of Europe and the world. We have successfully overcome the crisis and are experiencing a European trend defying growth. While many other countries are still struggling with the crisis, Latvia’s economy grew by 5.5 % in 2011 and is likely to reach a healthy 5% growth this year, Minister Pavluts said.

Director Brask’s speech highlighted that: The timing to come to Riga in May is exactly right because you have exciting and positive stories to tell to the international audience. Latvia – and your Baltic neighbours – is a European model. You have introduced tough economic austerity measures and at the same time introduced incentives in the economy and got rid of wrong spending. You have shown how smart policies can work. But now is the time to harvest the benefits from the tough policies and invite decision-makers, businessmen and investors to come to the beautiful city to Riga.

BDF Summit Prospectus December 2012

To the signing were invited, Baltic Sea Region  – Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Russia – Ambassadors, as well as Foreign Ministry’s Parliamentary Secretary Mr. Makarovs who also adressed the participants, CEO of Latvenergo Mr. Zigurs, President of Association of Commercial Banks of Latvia Mr. Bicevskis, CEO of Employers’ Confederation of Latvia Ms. Līga Menģelsone, CCO of AirBaltic Mr Michael Grimme, Head of Political Department at the University of Latvia Dr. Zaneta Ozolina and others.

Photos from the event (LETA)
