Professor Lars Börjesson receives the BDF Baltic Sea Award

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– I am deeply honoured. I think it is a very big prize and it is a general prize so it goes to science and research and development, said professor in Condensed Matter Physics Lars Börjesson upon receiving this year’s Baltic Sea Award at the Gala Dinner Moday evening during the Baltic Development Forum Summit in Copenhagen.

Börjesson chairs the Steering committee at European Spallation Source and MAX IV laboratory to be build outside of Lund in the southern part of Sweden. The spallation facility is most likely to revolutionise material research in Europe, making it possible to examine new materials on a atomic and molecular scale. Lars Börjesson is hesitant to predict exactly what to expect from the new facilities.

– Allmost all scientific forecasts have turned out to be wrong. What we can say is, that we will get a truly magnificant tool for doing physics and also life science, said the Swedish professor.

20 years under way
The spallation project has been on the political agenda since the late nineties, and that is worrysome finds Börjesson. – Actually the Americans took the European project drawings and made their spallation source and it has been running for four years now. In the meantime we have been preparing something that is even better, but is a shame that that it takes so long time, said the Baltic Sea Award winner, emphazising the need for bigger coherence in the decisionmaking for European science.

Lars Börjesson FOTO: Hasse Ferrold





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