CBSS 20 Years Anniversary

in News
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen during BDF Summit 2011 in Gdansk

BDF founder and Honorary Chairman Uffe Ellemann-Jensen will participate in the special ceremony that will be held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Council of the Baltic Sea States.

The ceremony will be part of the Baltic Media Forum organized by Norddeutscher Rundfunk and Academia Baltica and will take place at Plön Castle in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, on 5 February 2012.

The anniversary will be celebrated by Mr. Ellemann-Jensen and Hans-Dietrich Genscher as CBSS founding fathers in the presence of the foreign ministers of the countries in the CBSS area. There will be a discussion related to a look back at the genesis of CBSS and its impact to date. The event will be followed by a CBSS foreign ministers meeting 6-7 February. It is arranged by the German Presidency of CBSS 2011-2012.
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