BDF Christmas Card 2011

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

in News

BDF can evaluate yet another important and productive year – thanks not least to our sponsors and members. As always, the Summit was BDF’s peak of the year. This time in the city where the region’s unification started: Gdansk. It became an important meeting with more participants than ever and with a substantial EU-agenda, please see the conference report below. The 2012 BDF Summit will be organised during the Danish EU Presidency in Denmark mid June. We look forward to cooperating again with the European Commission.

In 2011, BDF has published five reports on current topics that gave background and insights to the developments of the region. The new regional think-tank published its first report. It was also the year when cooperation with Russia was put in concrete terms: BDF will be lead partner of an EU sponsored project on energy efficiency in Kaliningrad.

BDF’s founder and Chairman Uffe Ellemann-Jensen decided to step down in relation to his 70 years birthday 1 November. He said that further upbringing normally was impossible when a child becomes a teenager (13 years in 2011). Hans Skov Christensen, former CEO of Confederation of Danish Industry will as new chairman of BDF be responsible for BDF’s adolescence, which we are all pleased with.

We look forward to intensifying the cooperation with both the private and public sector. Public-private partnerships in infrastructure development will be an important agenda in 2012. We wish you all the best for the holiday season.

Hans Brask, Director

BDF Christmas Card 2011