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The Baltic Sea Region as a Model for EU’s Future Economic Growth

Dr Cecilia Malmström, Minister for European Affairs, Sweden. Photo: Stig Hammarstedt.

“A closer integrated Baltic Sea Region has since long been a goal for my generation, and now it is time to take it a step further”, said Dr Cecilia Malmström, Swedish Minister for European Affairs at the opening seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, arranged by Sida’s Baltic Sea Unit and Baltic Development Forum on Monday.

Malmström outlined the Swedish Governement’s visions for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and underlined that the challenge today was to coordinate and refine the means aiming at deeper integration in the Baltic Sea Region.

“We have the means to do it, but we need to identlify concrete measures to address. The Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region attracts great attention from other Regions within the EU, and a successful strategy can thus serve as a good example for the rest of the EU”, Malmström concluded.

In the course of the day, the Baltic Sea Region’s future economic potential and growth, labour mobility and transport solutions were discussed by Dr. Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School, Alf Vanags from the organisation BICEPS in Riga, Professor Pontus Braunerhjelm, chaiman of the Globalisation Council, Conferederation of Swedish Industries chief economist Stefan Fölster, and Stockholm County Governor Per Unckel as well as representatives from throughout the Baltic Sea Region.

A central issue during the seminars was how to coordinate authorities and businesses throuhout the Baltic Sea Region to optimise the resources available within and for the Region.

For further information please contact Dr Mikael Olsson Sida, +46-732-572511, or Hans Brask, Director Baltic Development Forum, +45 602 185 81.