Baltic Development Forum cooperates with Copenhagen Economics on how to create jobs and growth in Baltic Sea Region

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Baltic Development Forum cooperates with Copenhagen Economics on how to create jobs and growth in Baltic Sea Region. The outcome will be presented at the 2010 BDF Summit in Vilnius 1-2 June.

As part of the Baltic Development Forum’s cooperation with this year’s Summit Sponsor, the Industry Foundation a contract has been signed with the consultancy company Copenhagen Economics. The objective of the agreement is to prepare a proposal for a strategy on how to create jobs and growth in Baltic Sea Region.
The Strategy will make precise policy recommendations in the context of two themes:

The report will primarily build on extensive work that has been developed over the last two-three years in the context of the work of Baltic Development Forum, not least the State of the Region Report as well as other important background documentation.

To complement the existing material two roundtable discussions are going to be organized, where selected economists, experts, banks and business representatives from different parts of the region will discuss the issues. The perspective of the paper should predominantly be the one of the private sector, business and industry.

The Strategy will be presented at BDF Summit in Vilnius 1-2 June where it will be discussed and also presented to the Heads of Governments of the region that will participate in the Summit.