EU Northern Dimension at BDF Summit

in News

Doing business with and investing in Russia – check out this new session on the Northern Dimension in the BDF Summit Programme.

Session on business with Russia

For the first time will a special session on the EU Northern Dimension be included at a BDF Summit: The session is titled The Northern Dimension and the Baltic Sea Region: cooperation on common goals, and will be held 1 June 13.30-14.45 in Litexpo Plenary Hall.

The Northern Dimension of the EU has to revitalize in order to have a balanced development in the Baltic Sea Region after the adoption of the EU Strategy on the Baltic Sea Region last year. New initiatives have been taken as a means to promote both intergovernmental cooperation and new business relations.

The Northern Dimension Business Council is an encouraging initiative that would enhance EU-Russia integration on a regional level. The Russian Federation is also showing interest in taking active part in the new wave of the cross border cooperation initiatives.

The opportunities to involve Russia are far from being taken advantage of. What should the next step be?

Key topics of the session:

  1. The Northern Dimension and the Baltic Sea Region. Common challenges and solutions.
  2. Economical cooperation in the Megaregion. New initiatives for the development of the investment climate. Northern Dimension Business Council. Expectations and prospects.
  3. Modernization of the Russian economy: potential of the international cooperation. Energy efficiency, saving of energy and transfer of technology for modernization of industry.



Slava Khodko, Chairman of the Board of the North-West Development and Investment Promotion Agency

Hoping to meeting you at this BDF-Russian platform!
