BDF Newsletter March 2011

in News

Read the Newsletter that was distributed to our Network today.

The Baltic Sea Macro-region is progressing well although the EU strategy has some initial shortcomings. This is one of the conclusions of the BDF seminar in Stockholm last week.

One problem is that the private sector needs to be more involved. Vice-chairman of BDF Stephan Müchler, who is also chairman of Baltic Chamber of Commerce Association (BCCA), demanded a business friendlier approach, which included efforts to remove barriers within the internal market. He called for the “Delors-method”, setting clear aims and deadlines for removing hindrances to business. He emphasized that the region could do a lot in this area, announcing at the same time that a business contribution to the strategy would be presented at the BDF Summit/Annual Forum 24-26 October 2011 in Gdansk.

The Baltic Business Arena that focuses on matchmaking for SMEs will hopefully also contribute in the same direction, see below. The need for a close link with the Europe 2020 strategy was another conclusion in Stockholm. BDF has been making this point for some time, but the good news is that this will be addressed through two upcoming conferences: one in April in Malmö and another in May in Riga, see below. BDF is closely involved in both events.

We will be working to present a Digital Action Plan – an issue that was taken up in Stockholm and promoted by Kaja Tael, Undersecretary of EU Affairs, Estonian Foreign Ministry. We look forward to informing you more on this issue. Even through BDF’s new facebook page, which is part of BDF’s internal digital agenda. We hope that you will continue to support and join us!

Best regards,

Hans Brask, Director

Growth and Competitiveness Conference

In cooperation with the County Administrative Board of Stockholm, the Government Offices, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the European Commission in Sweden, BDF arranged a conference on growth and competitiveness in the Baltic Sea region for Swedish stakeholders in Stockholm on March 11th. The event attracted more than 130 participants and included speakers such as the Swedish EU Minister Birgitta Ohlsson, the Undersecretary of European Union Affairs of Estonia Kaja Tael and the County Governor of Stockholm Per Unckel.

Read the minutes…

Business meeting with Latvia’s Foreign Minister Kristovskis

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis, visited the BDF office 19 January for a roundtable discussion on energy security and energy policy in Latvia, the Baltic Sea Region and the EU. Companies and organisations working closely with BDF were invited to the meeting.

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Smart Specialisation and Growth Conference in Malmö 5-6 April

The aim of this EU conference is to give a shared vision of Smart Specialisation and how it can pave the way for regional development and growth. Tools and processes will be presented by some of the leading actors in the field. It will also show how EU funding can be used smarter. The importance of alignment of a wider source of finance and cooperation will be showcased.

Information, registration and programme …


Green Growth Conference in Riga 5-6 May

This conference, which is organised by BDF, Nordic Council of Ministers, The European Commission and InterAct, will focus on how to develop the Baltic Sea Region into a model for Green Growth. The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the Europe 2020 strategy give unique opportunities to the region which possesses key competences and innovative abilities in the field.

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The BSR Investor’s Guide

This Guide introduces and highlights business and investment opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region, brought to you by the cities of Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Malmö, Oslo, Riga, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Vilnius and Warsaw. The Guide was presented at MIPIM – one of the world’s leading real estate events, in Cannes, France, 8-11 March.

Download the Guide …


BDF on Facebook

Baltic Development Forum now has a page on Facebook. If you have a profile in this forum as well, click on the Like button on the BDF page to follow our updates and valuable news on Baltic Sea Region matters.

To BDF’s page on Facebook …


Mobile Communications

Mobile Heights is a mobile communications cluster that acts to establish Southern Sweden as an internationally leading region in research, innovation and entrepreneurship. Watch this interview with CEO Helene Vogelmann.

To video on YouTube …


Baltic Year 2011

The Nordic and Baltic countries have undertaken to celebrate the 20th anniversary of restoration of diplomatic relations and the regained independence of the Baltic countries. Under the year 2011 different manifestations will be arranged in the capitals of the Nordic and Baltic countries. The Swedish events go by the name Baltic Year 2011. The aim is to strengthen the bond between Sweden and the Baltic countries and bring light to a Nordic-Baltic future of mutual interest.

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