Baltic Sea Region – a region of opportunities

in News, Projects

ONE BSR  – ten nations, thousands of stories

ONE BSR –  a flagship project within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Programme and the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is approaching its final phase. Launched in 2012, project’s aim has been to produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region image and identity, contributing to joint promotion of the region.

The final ONE BSR conference will take place 4 September in Helsinki, thus a perfect time to look towards the future and discuss new perspectives after the project. What do we do with the project results? How do we continue the good work for the common Baltic Sea Region? In order to reflect upon outcomes of the project and discuss future of the region, the final conference calls together project partners, regional stakeholders, and policy makers from all levels of governance . In addition to regional identity, discussions will include topics on talent retention, investment promotion and BSR tourism marketing in the US and Japan.


Results so far

Over the two years, ONE BSR project has generated extensive interaction and understanding between partners and stakeholders through project meetings, forum events, research activities, public-private collaboration, round table discussions and advisory boards. The project has shown that co-operation is needed and wanted also in the future to attract investors, tourists and talents to the area. To help tourists find their way to the Baltic Sea region, the partners working on the Tourism work package have produced a common destination guide and data bank to the tour operators. Also the Investors work package has developed a regional platform for inward investment promotion professionals from around the Baltic Sea Region and beyond – the IPA Forum 2014. On the latest ONE BSR Round Table Talks (during the IPA Forum), seven international professionals shared their views on the Baltic Sea Region as a business environment. ” From an investor’s perspective, what is special about the Baltic Sea region? ” Here’s a preview to the comments:

“People perceive this region to be very honest”
Anne Plough, Entrepreneur & International Business Development Professional of International VC Zone

“Tradition in architecture and modern design”
Frans van der Avert, CEO of Amsterdam Marketing

“Cultural crossing between west and east”
Olivier Bonfils, Senior Business Advisor of Helsinki Business Hub

“Big market, big hub of innovation, stable and transparent countries”

Alan Aleksandrowicz, CEO of Invest GDA

Kathrin Deter, blogger at Newswave & Luminoucity

“Quality. In all senses.”

Agne Selemonaite, Brand Manager of Invest Lithuania

“A region of good news!”
Micah Gland CEO of Helsinki Business Hub

Watch the videos on YouTube:


All project partners agree that finding elements for common branding is essential for promoting the area for investors, tourists, talents and locals alike. Even if creating a common brand is hard, as there are so many different countries and cultures in the region, good recommendations can be found in the policy round table discussions as well as social media discussions that the ONE BSR project is organising

For further information and the Helsinki program, visit

Photos: Seppo Samuli / Greater Helsinki Promotion
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