ONE BSR Meeting News

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On the 10-11 September in Copenhagen, at the beautiful premises of Eigtveds Pakhus, the ONE BSR project partners met for the third time, kindly hosted by Invest in Denmark. ONE BSR project’s overall goal is to, through joint efforts, produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region’s brand and identity, to strengthen competitiveness of the region by branding it as one and place it on the global map.

Baltic Development Forum is involved in two major components of ONE BSR: more effective investment promotion done by collaboration of Investment Promotion Agencies and creation of a regional communication platform, . ONE BSR’s objective is also to attract more visitors for leisure and business travel as well as to attract and retain the best and brightest talent in the region. Please read more on

During the two-days meeting, project partners talked about the latest updates in each work package, i.e. Talent, Tourism, Investment, Branding and the activities to come.

Talent and Investment work packages, together with guests from Invest in Denmark and Copenhagen Capacity, joined for a seminar on Talent as an investment driver. Common challenges and best practice within talent attraction and retention were on the agenda. Participants who represented most of the BSR countries shared similar experiences with the labour market demands and lack of specialized talents. There is space for improvement, mismatch between available talents and investors’ needs is a major challenge. It was concluded that from both talent and investment perspectives, there were grounds to cooperate with each other and attract a bigger share of global FDI through the right tools and joint efforts.

The Identity and Branding work package discussed future events, the status and outreach of and the future of bloggers. It was agreed upon that the communication across platforms needs to be further integrated and promoted.

Social media training session was also a significant part of the two-day meeting. All project partners learned and discussed: why and how to better use social media in the project and in creating and promoting a common Baltic Sea Region for business, talents, tourists and locals.
Lastly, Mr Matti Ollinkari, Head of International Relations at City of Helsinki, introduced the latest news from the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Horizontal Action Promotion (EUSBSR HA Promo). Hans Brask, Director of Baltic Development Forum, discussed why it is important to build a common Baltic Sea Region identity by introducing the new Identity Report that BDF is currently working on and which will be published and presented in Helsinki at the beginning of December.

Check out the New One Baltic Sea region identity video from ONE BSR on Vimeo.


Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)


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