Update: Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries

in BDF Events, News

Save the date: 3 October, Copenhagen


The sea is a shared resource, which has provided economic progress, prosperity and well-being throughout history to the populations living close to the Baltic Sea.

Today the Sea is also fragile and past exploitation has led to unacceptable levels of pollution.

Delivery on blue growth is high on the EU and regional agenda and contributes to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as well as the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. A new and strong regional alliance between public, private and international partners is needed to unlock the potential for growth from the maritime economy and to turn the environmental challenges into future opportunities for innovation and sustainable development. Blue and Green Growth must go together.

The “Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries” aims at bringing all relevant stakeholders together back-to-back with the 2013 Helcom Ministerial meeting in Copenhagen 3 October.

As Baltic Development Forum (BDF) is cooperating with the Danish Helcom Presidency, responsible Ministers for the Environment will join the conference, which is organised by BDF and the European Commission (DG Mare) together with Clean Shipping – Priority Area of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

In making the Baltic Sea Region a European model and testing ground for these new policies, Baltic Development Forum will work with regional partners in forming a new water alliance.

We hope you will join us and that you will save the date!

For more information on the conference, latest news and updates, and to register, visit the conference website – www.balticseaconference.eu

Please see the conference draft programme.

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