ONE Baltic Sea Region (ONE BSR): Baltic Metropoles Accelerating the Branding and Identity Building of the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

We would like to warmly welcome you to join the third ONE BSR meeting and learn about the activities and meet the experts of the European Union Baltic Sea Strategy flagship project. During the meeting current challenges related to talent retention, investment promotion and tourism attraction to the region will be discussed. The meeting will take place in Copenhagen at the premises of the Danish Foreign Ministry  “Eigtveds Pakhus” 10-11 September, 2013.

Please find below some additional information on ONE BSR’s aims and main activities.

Vision: If we unite, our uniqueness will become more interesting globally. ONE BSR aims to increase the competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by marketing it as one unity. Through events, discussions and studies, ONE BSR collects key elements for the image and identity building of the region and thus helps to market it as one interesting and attractive area for international investors, talents and tourists.

How is it done? ONE BSR Project continues the bottom-up promotional work, first piloted in BaltMet Promo Project (2010–2011). During the ONE BSR project, joint, tailor-made promotional services for tourists, talents and investors are developed in co-operation with private partners and local people. In addition, the project makes positive publicity of the Baltic Sea Region lifestyles and encourages the “we-feeling” among the people of the region.

For more information please visit and

Investment promotion: Investment co-operation generates collaboration projects among the competing national and regional investment promotion agencies. An interactive map and a BSR Investment Promotion Agencies’ Directory are created to help new investors to enter the area.

Talent retention: BSR talent retention challenges are tackled in co-operation with triple-helix partners, which represent private and public employers and universities. A toolkit with tips and policy recommendations is created to keep the talents in the region.

Tourism promotion: BSR tourism products are being designed and commercialized for the US and Japanese markets.

Branding dialogue: Experts and people of the region are activated in social media and in different events to talk about the region and to share news and experiences of their everyday lives. A portfolio of BSR images and identities is created based on this  “bottom-up” approach.

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