The BSR Innovation Award to ProcessIT Innovations

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The BSR Innovation Award winner, ProcessIT Innovations in Luleå/Umeå, Sweden, provides the big, capital intensive process industry (mining, metals, pulp and paper) with high tech ICT and automation solutions in order to increase the productivity and product quality within the process industry companies.

Based on the strength of the BSR platform and the cooperation within the European consortia, ProcessIT is now leadling the biggest automation project in Europe. “We are very honored and consider it as a confirmation of the hard work we have done for the last seven-eight years to increase the innovation capacity in the process, automation and ICT industry”, says Anders OE Johansson, CEO of ProcessIT.Process IT Innovations is an innovation organisation based in NorthernSweden. It The organisation brings together process industry and ICT companies as well as universities in Finland, Poland and Sweden.

The BSR Innovation Award is presented by BSR Stars and Baltic Development Forum, BDF. The aim of the award is to promote global competitiveness and innovative development in the Baltic Sea Region, through groundbreaking methods and smart solutions to common challenges.

The Award of 5 000 Euros was presented for the third time at a ceremony in Riga on 29 May.

See the BSR Innovation Award 2013 – video
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