Danish visions for cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region – new objectives, new resources

in News

Danish Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen, is main speaker on Monday 10 June 2013, 09.30 – 12.30 at the Business Authority, Langelinie Allé 17, Copenhagen Ø (the conference is in Danish).

The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) is witnessing a dynamic development and the Northern Dimension is an important reference point for cooperation with Russia, Norway and Iceland. The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region has manifested itself as an important reference document when the Baltic Sea Region countries have to prioritize their cooperation objectives. With the agreement on the EU budget for the next 7 years in place, the partnership agreements with the European Commission have to be drafted. But which policy areas will Denmark prioritise and which funds are available. What are the Danish visions and objectives with the regional cooperation? These questions will be addressed at the conference.

All stakeholders are invited to take part. After the seminar you can attend a networking lunch. The conference is free of charge. For registration and more information in Danish please go to www.conferencemanager.dk/danskeprioriteringer where the detailed program is be presented. For questions contact Project Assistant Freja Klein (fk@bdforum.org / +45 70209394).

The seminar is organized in collaboration between Baltic Development Forum, the European Commission, the Ministry og Business and Growth, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Danish Regions.

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