175 Ideas about the future in the Fehmarnbelt Region

in News

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” This quote by US President Abraham Lincoln was the very essence of the Fehmarnbelt Days 2012 held in Hamburg and Lübeck from the 26th of September to the 28th of September 2012.

Now this creation of the future has got it´s first book: the 175 unique ideas from the 3 days in September 2012 have been collected in a book that will serve as inspiration for decisionmakers, developers and innovateurs in the corridor fra the Øresund Region to Hamburg.

More than 600 people participated in 19 different events during the three days. Their common objective: to help shape the new Fehmarnbelt Region within the context of the future tunnel between Denmark and Germany. Workshops, conferences and podium debates generated countless ideas that point the way towards a dynamic and integrated Fehmarnbelt Region bound together by the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, which will open in 2021.

The majority of the proposals were innovative and tangible. A special cross-border ticket that offers access to all regional attractions, exchange programmes for public bodies, a mobile university that moves across countries: these are just some of the many suggestions that Germans, Danes and Swedes put forward together.

The ideas will serve as guideline for the efforts of the different regional and national governments as well as for the many cross-border stakeholders and organisations in the region. The organisers behind Fehmarnbelt Days 2012 have now collected all the ideas from the creative days in Hamburg and Lübeck in this “Book of Ideas” that will be the reminder to all stakeholders in public or private administration, politics and business to think, act and do something to create the future. The organisers and the organisations involved in the process of creating the future of the Fehmarnbelt Region will participate in the process and forward the ideas to the relevant decision makers.

The organisers of the Femernbelt Days 2012 have a very comprehensive network of stakeholders, all which will receive a copy of the ‘”Book of Ideas.”

You can download your own copy HERE:


More information: Managing Director Jacob Vestergaard, STRING, +45 20823459