State of the Region: Seminar in Copenhagen 6 February

in BDF Events, News

BDF invites to an afternoon event to share the latest findings from the State of the Region Report, looking closer at how the Baltic Sea Region is doing in terms of competitiveness and innovation.
The region´s economic performance continues to be solid and prosperity continues to grow across the Baltic Sea Region. Low interest rates however raise concerns about the risk for asset bubbles and future economic sustainability. Although the region is ranked high in international assessments of competitiveness and innovative capacity, the region´s position in global markets continues to weaken. These are some of the main findings in the latest State of the Region Report released by Baltic Development Forum.

Dr. Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School and Stockholm School of Economics, will look at on how the Baltic Sea Region is doing in terms of competitiveness and innovation. Helge J. Pedersen, Group Chief Economist, Nordea Bank, will give the latest economic outlook for the region.  Christian Ketels and Helge J. Pedersen are authors of the annual BDF State of the Region Report published by Baltic Development Forum with the support from the European Investment Bank and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The Baltic Sea Region – Doing Well Today, Feeling Worried about Tomorrow
Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2 1448 København K
Date: 6 February 2017


14.00-14.30 Registration

14.30  Welcome by Flemming Stender, director of Baltic Development Forum

14.35 Economic outlook, innovation and competitiveness in the Baltic Sea Region

Dr. Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School
Helge J. Pedersen, Group Chief Economist, Nordea Bank

Panel discussion:

Stephen Hart, Head of European Investment Bank in Denmark
Pernilla Johansson, Chief Economist, South Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Emily Wise, Research Fellow, Lund University


16.15 Networking, snacks, drinks

16.45 See you again soon


Please register by email to project assistent Joana Mulmaite at