News Categories

Baltic Development Forum’s 2010 Summit Partner

in News

Baltic Development Forum’s 2010 Summit Partner, The Danish Industry Foundation. Partnership on Jobs and Growth in the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Development Forum is proud to announce its new Summit Partner, The Danish Industry Foundation. The main objective of the Foundation is to develop and support innovative, inspirational and economically sustainable projects and initiatives that strengthen the competitiveness of business…

BDF Summit 2009 Evaluation

in BDF Events, News

The general feedback from the participants is very positive. According to a survey, an overwhelming majority of the participants found the Summit theme and the sessions “excellent” or “good” in terms of importance and relevance. The Warming up with State of the Region Report and the Opening session as well as the session on New Energy Scenarios for the Baltic…

The BDF Summit 2009 Opened

in BDF Events, News

Today the BDF Summit 2009 in Stockholm was declared open by H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. The Mayor of Stockholm Sten Nordin greeted the participants in the BDF Summit 2009 Welcome to his city, where after Dr. Christian Ketels warmed up the audience with presenting the 2009 edition of BDF’s State of the Region Report. Introductory speeches were held…

BDF offers Summits as Venue for Progress Reporting on EU Strategy

in Debate, News

BDF Chairman proposes to Danuta Hübner, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, that BDF’s Summits become a yearly venue for discussing progress and update on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. At a meeting with EU Commissioner Danuta Hübner’s cabinet 29 April, Director Hans Brask handed over a letter from BDF Chairman Uffe Ellemann-Jensen proposing “that the BDF’s Summit…

Summit 2009 Prospectus

in News

Boosting Top of Europe! The 11th BDF Summit in Stockholm 5-6 October will focus on how to stay competitive on Top of Europe in light of multiple and often interlinked challenges. It is arranged in association with the Swedish EU Presidency during the second semester of 2009. The 11th BDF Summit 2009 will take place on 5-6 October in Stockholm…

BDF Summit ten years – Greetings from the Chairman

in Debate, News

On Sunday the 10th anniversary Baltic Development Forum will be opened by the Prime Minister of Denmark, Anders Fogh Rasmussen. It is symbolic that we are back where it once began, here in Copenhagen. Ten years ago, the BDF was founded to create a forum for informal exchange of ideas in order to address the challenges of the 1990’s –…

EU Baltic Sea Strategy – Public Consultations

in Debate, News

Governance structures in the Baltic Sea Region – a Curable Headache The question of governance and institutional capacity of the Baltic Sea Region’s organizations has become a key issue in the political debate about the future EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and implementation of its action plan. At the Baltic Development Forum 2008 Summit, this question will be…

Region Skåne co-hosts BDF Summit 2008 – in Malmö

in News

At today’s meeting of the executive board of Region Skåne, the decision was taken to join the Baltic Development Forum Summit arrangements as co-host. The final plenary session and subsequent gala dinner on Monday evening 1 December will take place in the Malmö opera. Chief negotiator of ESS Scandinavia as well as chairman of Lund University Allan Larsson will together…