Financing the Future of Energy Efficiency

in BDF Events, Debate, Press, Projects

Save-the-date 5th October

Venue: Park Inn by Radisson Valdemara, Krogus 1, Riga

How can green investments be financed to accelerate the transition to a carbon-free economy in the most cost-effective way? How are energy efficiency solutions applied, which financial schemes are used, and what are the different experiences on financing energy efficiency across the countries in the Baltic Sea Region?

Baltic Development Forum in close collaboration with the Council of the Baltic Sea States/Baltic 2030 (HA Climate), Ministry of Economics of Latvia (PA Energy/EUSBSR) invites you for a regional seminar “Financing the Future of Energy Efficiency” on 5th October 2017 in Riga.

The aim is to take a Baltic Sea Region perspective on how to exploit the full potential of energy efficiency by demonstrating good examples across the region and showing ways to tap into the region´s potential through transnational knowledge, expertise transfer and enhanced regional cooperation.

The seminar will focus on financing energy efficiency with the aim to shed light on the experiences in applying energy efficiency solutions and various financing schemes used differently across the region. To learn from each other and to build the knowledge required to address the challenges incurred by climate change.

The event will include different viewpoints on how financing of green investments should be realized in the most cost-efficient and commercially viable way. This will include the European policy perspective as well as financial institutions, banks and the industry perspective. Cases with best practices on financing energy efficient solutions, including ESCO models, will be shared to find the best possible solutions to the existing challenges with the tested financing schemes.

The seminar is targeted towards national and municipal organizations, cities, policy and commercial banks, industry representatives working with climate change and energy efficiency solutions.


Proceed with the registration here.



Moderator: Gunars Valdmanis, Deputy Director of Energy Market and Infrastructure, Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia

12.00 Registration. Lunch

12.45 Welcome

Viktoria Nilsson, Head of Business Development, Baltic Development Forum

Krista Kampus, Senior Adviser and Head of the Sustainable Development Unit – Baltic 2030, Council of the Baltic Sea States

13.00 Key-note by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, Juris Stinka – Setting the Scene

13.10 Financing green investments

Paul Hodson, Head of Energy Efficiency unit, DG Energy, European Commission (tbc)

Patrik Marckert, Senior Manager, Energy & Environment, Nordic Investment Bank

Victor Gancel, Flagship Manager Low Carbon City Lab, Climate-KIC Nordic

Sarunas Stepukonis, Associate Director, BaltCap

Mats Olausson, Senior Advisor, Climate & Sustainable Financial Solutions, SEB

Reinis Bērziņš, Chairman of the Board, ALTUM

14.50 – 15.15 Coffee break

15.15 – 16.20 Panel on best-practices in financing energy efficiency, including ESCO models

Hallvard Benum, Energy Ingineer, Kongsberg municipality, Norway

Teppo Manninen, Caverion Oyi, Finland (tbc)

Simona Ramanauskiene, Housing Energy Efficiency Agency, Lithuania

Lauri Suu, Client Manager, Housing and Energy Efficiency, KredEx, Estonia

Zilvinas Kaciuska, Expert, Public Investment Development Agency (VIPA), Lithuania

16.30 Summing up and steps ahead


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