Call for nominations for the Baltic Sea Award

in News

Baltic Development Forum welcomes you to nominate candidates which you find have made extraordinary contributions to the development of the Baltic Sea region.

The Baltic Sea Award was established in 2007. This summer it is distributed for the 6th  consecutive year. The event takes place at the BDF Gala dinner in the Copenhagen City the 18th June during the Baltic Development Forum Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Apart from the honor, the Baltic Sea Award consists of 5000 Euro and a diploma.

Please send your nominations of candidates by e-mail to the Baltic Development Forum secretariat at Please write “Nomination Baltic Sea Award 2012” in the subject line.

Deadline: Monday for nominations 4th June

Election Criteria

The Baltic Sea Award is assigned to individuals or organisations that have fulfilled one or several of the following criteria:

Previous Award Winners and Sponsors

In 2007-2009 the Baltic Sea Award was sponsored by Swedbank and given to Björn Carlsson founder of the project Baltic Sea 2020 (2007), Ms. Tarja Halonen, president of Finland (2008), and Ms. Arminta Saladziene, Chairman of the Management Board of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius, as well as of the Executive Committee of the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance (2009).In 2010 the Baltic Sea Award was sponsored by the Danish Industry Foundation and given to Cruise Baltic, a network of 27 cruise destinations in the Baltic Sea uniting ten countries.

Last year the Award was given to Professor Arjen Hoekstra, University of Twente and scientific director of the international NGO The Water Footprint Network, for his pioneering work on the water footprint concept. The award was sponsored by SAS and Coca-Cola Environmental Foundation.

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