Baltic Business Arena Update

in News

baltic business arena 2The Baltic Business Arena that will take place during the Summit and Annual Forum is expected to gather about 100 companies from all countries in the Baltic Sea Region. At this event the companies will discuss future business opportunities, new project ideas and new technology. There is a “green thread” among the chosen sectors for the event: Cleantech, Sustainable Construction, Renewable Energy, Life Science and ICT.

Carina Lahall
Carina Lahall

– “These sectors are of great interest and relevant for the whole world and not least for the Baltic Sea Region. We know from experience that match-making is a very time- and cost efficient way of finding new contacts for future business and when companies finally meet face-to-face you can feel the creativity and curiosity in the air when the conversations start. Internationalisation is important for companies interested in growth and that is why I believe that companies should make use of this kind of event and discuss business”, says Carina Lahall, ALMI Företagspartner, project leader for Baltic Business Arena 2012. – “We are receiving new registrations every day and the companies already registered are from all selected sectors but the dominating sectors are ICT and renewable energy.”

Business Stories

There is a great interest from especially Poland and Russia looking for partners in all sectors. Not only enterprises but also business associations from the Baltic countries, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Germany will attend the Baltic Business Arena for meetings. Among these associations are the BBA partners who kindly have committed themselves to assist the organisers in recruiting participants for Baltic Business Arena 2012. We recommend to book meetings with these representatives to discuss possibilities to enter new markets.

Increasing the level of innovation in any organisation need not be a costly affair. As a matter of fact an organisation’s innovation competence is much more a factor of the right organisational culture than the size of its wallet. What, however, to stay on track it is vital that you can measure the outcome and result of your innovation efforts in terms of return of investment.

Bobby Bogdan Mrozowski
Bobby Bogdan Mrozowski

The Swedish company BB Innovation & Co AB participated in last year’s event and will also take part this year: CEO Bobby Bogdan Mrozowski says: – “BBA in Stockholm was very interesting and fruitful for us. We had a couple of meetings which has now led to some interesting contacts in Poland.” With regard to what they hope to achieve in Copenhagen they say: – “Networking and knowledge transfer is important in order to run small and innovative companies like BB Innovation & Co AB, and this has given us the opportunity to develop a new generation of sustainable water sanitation system. Sustainable development for water and sewage topics is a highly prioritised area for the EU. Water sanitation and purification is a global issue and therefore an European forum for these questions is needed; something which BBA offers. We believe environmental adaptation contributes to a more sustainable development and creates eco-efficient companies and we hope our participation in Copenhagen will contribute to knowledge and information exchanges when it comes to these issues.”

Special programme for BBA participants

Legal sparring and advice

In addition to the business meetings it is possible to pre-book an informal and confidential consultation with a top qualified and experienced law firm represented in all Baltic Sea countries: Magnusson. Please specify the topic you want to discuss with Magnusson when you book your meeting with them.

Thematic seminars: Boosting innovation in SME’s

Asger Daugbjerg
Asger Daugbjerg

In parallel to the match-making you get access to brief thematic seminars with topics relevant for your everyday business. Among these are a session on boosting innovation in SME’s. Increasing the level of innovation in any organisation need not be a costly affair. As a matter of fact an organisation’s innovation competence is much more a factor of the right organisational culture than the size of its wallet. What, however, to stay on track it is vital that you can measure the outcome and result of your innovation efforts in terms of return of investment.

Asger Daugbjerg, VP & Partner of Globe Eight, will demonstrate that successful innovation is a result of moving one’s focus from capital barriers to cultural attitude and management support. His presentation will include a number of real life cases from around the world and empirical data to prove his point. His key message is that any organisation can make a jump start in their innovation skills and success by implementing a systematic idea generation and constant measurement of innovation results.

GlobeEight is a consultancy specialising in helping companies create new value and profits by upgrading their focus on innovation and sustainability. GlobeEight has offices in Copenhagen and Singapore.

Part of a large European event

As participant in Baltic Business Arena 2012 you are also part of a large European conference: The 14th Baltic Development Forum Summit / European Commissions’’ Annual Forum for the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. EU Commissioners, Prime Ministers and other high level political and business leaders will discuss topics related to growth and competitiveness in Northern Europe.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Baltic Business Arena 2012!

For more information about BBA 2012 read more on our website here and in order to register for match-making visit Deadline for registration: 8 June.

Download this update as a printable .pdf document.


The 2012 Baltic Business Arena is organised by the Swedish Business Authority ALMI Företagspartner in cooperation with Baltic Development Forum.

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