Baltic Sea Macro-region progress and EU strategy

in News

The Baltic Sea Macro-region is progressing well although the EU strategy has some infancy illnesses. This is one of the conclusions of the BDF seminar in Stockholm last week.

One problem is that the private sector needs to be more involved. Vice-chairman of BDF, Stephan Müchler who is also chairman of Baltic Chamber of Commerce Association (BCCA) demanded a business friendlier approach which included efforts to remove barriers within the internal market. He called for the “Delors-method”, setting clear aims and deadlines for removing hindrances to business. He emphasized that the region could do a lot in this area, announcing at the same time that a business contribution to the strategy would be presented at the BDF Summit/Annual Forum 24-26 October 2011 in Gdansk.

The Baltic Business Arena that focuses on matchmaking for SMEs will hopefully also contribute in the same direction, see below. The need for a close link with the Europe 2020 strategy was another conclusion in Stockholm. BDF has been making this point for some time, but the good news is that it is now taken care of through two upcoming conferences: One in April in Malmö and another in May in Riga, see below. BDF is closely involved in both events.

We will be working to present a Digital Action Plan – an issue that was taken up in Stockholm and promoted by Kaja Tael, Undersecretary of European Union Affairs, Estonian Foreign Ministry. We look forward to informing you more on this issue. Even through BDF’s new facebook page which is part of BDF’s internal digital agenda. We hope that you will continue to support and join us!
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