
2017 Berlin

The 19th BDF Summit explored the regional business potential with a focus on sustainable business models and the digital economy, and looked closer at how the Brexit and the election of Donald Trump has impacted the regional political climate. PROGRAMME, PHOTOS SUMMIT, PHOTOS WELCOME RECEPTION

2016 Stockholm

The 18th BDF Summit took stock of the current state of the Baltic Sea Region and explored how we can find common ground in a changing environment, looking closer at the regional economic affairs, the political climate, and the potential for business. PROGRAMME, VIDEO, PHOTO

2015 Copenhagen

The 17th BDF Summit explored the current economic and business climate of the Baltic Sea Region, with an emphasis on the digital sectors. Parts of the programme were also devoted to the Juncker Investment Plan, and to discussions on the biggest challenges and game changers for regional cooperation and political dialogue. PROGRAMME, VIDEO, PHOTO

2014 Turku

The 16th BDF Summit explored how cooperation can help strengthen economic growth, contribute to sustainable development and create a strong region. Key areas addressed include outlooks on governance, the digital economy, regional cooperation, smart urban solutions, blue growth, innovation and competitiveness. PROGRAMME, VIDEO

2013 Riga

The 15th BDF Summit noted that the region had recovered well from the financial crisis. It explored the role of the Baltic States in improving the Baltic Sea Region’s overall competitiveness, the new value chains created during the recession, and the potential to attract foreign investments. Other topics included sustainable development, energy and IT. PROGRAMME, VIDEO

2012 Copenhagen

The 14th BDF Summit put the spotlight on infrastructure development and investment projects, with a focus on public-private cooperation.  The event also explored topics such as green energy, a digital single market, Russia relations and potential communications gaps in the region.  PROGRAMME, VIDEO, SUMMIT REPORT

2011 Gdansk

The 13th BDF Summit took stock of the first two years of having a macro-regional strategy, while also reviewing the current state of regional economics and politics. Sessions further explored themes such as green and blue growth, energy and transport connectivity, and the creation of a digital single market.  PROGRAMME, VIDEO, SUMMIT REPORT

2010 Vilnius

The 12th BDF Summit reflected the interest and willingness of stakeholders to make use of the new policy platforms represented by the EU regional strategy and Europe 2020. Calls were made for further improvement of the internal market, free movement of knowledge, sustainable energy, and joint approaches to increase collaboration with Russia. PROGRAMME, VIDEO, SUMMIT REPORT

2009 Stockholm

The 11th BDF Summit further explored the consequences of the recent financial crisis and suggested strategies for future growth such as entrepreneurship, improved corporate governance and restored confidence in the financial market. Also on the agenda were issues related to water resources, security, climate and energy. PROGRAMME, VIDEO, SUMMIT REPORT

2008 Copenhagen-Malmö

The 10th BDF Summit showcased the Öresund region as an example of successful regional integration. The dominating topic for discussion was the recent global financial crisis. Other themes included energy cooperation, the pollution of the Baltic Sea, and the development of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. PROGRAMME, SUMMIT REPORT

2007 Tallinn

The 9th BDF Summit was held against the backdrop of record high economic growth rates in the region. Topics included skills and talent attraction, the development of a single energy market in Europe and its ties with Russia, as well as suggestions for an integrated finance service market in the Baltic Sea Region to benefit business and citizens. PROGRAMME, SUMMIT…

2006 Helsinki

The 8th BDF Summit urged the region to maintain its competitive lead through eg. cluster development and through more efficient transport systems. Participants called for increased political dialogue on energy safety and the creation of a regional brand. The European Commission was called upon to develop a EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. PROGRAMME, VIDEO, SUMMIT REPORT

2005 Stockholm

The 7th BDF Summit looked closer at how the Baltic Sea Region can meet global competition. Main recommendations included liberising the the service market in the EU, creating a better entrepreneurial environment, invest in research and development, and increasingly explore trade and economic integration with Northwest Russia. PROGRAMME, VIDEO, SUMMIT REPORT

2004 Hamburg

The 6th BDF Summit concluded that the Baltic Sea Region is entering a new phase of economic development where joint visions and actions are needed. A number of recommendations were made on how to further regional development. Increasing competitiveness and innovation, and investing more in education and research was seen as crucial. PROGRAMME, SUMMIT REPORT

2003 Riga

The 5th BDF Summit explored how the Baltic Sea Region with its mix of old and new democracies, and mature and emerging markets, can become a global frontrunner. The region’s diversity was highlighted as a strength, together with its position as a gateway to Russia. Stronger action on regional collaboration and increased public-private partnerships was seen as crucial. PROGRAMME, SUMMIT…

2002 Copenhagen

The 4th BDF Summit put the EU enlargement in the center of discussions, highlighting it as an urgent measure to maintain stability and increase growth in Europe. The Summit speakers also endorsed the need for developing specific priorities for growth and identified three potential industrial clusters: ICT, biotech and energy. PROGRAMME, SUMMIT REPORT

2001 St. Petersburg

The 3rd BDF Summit focused on co-operation between Russia and the EU, and the Northern Dimension Action Plan. The need for visionary political leadership to take the EU enlargement forward was stressed. President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, highlighted the Baltic Sea Region as a symbol of constructive international partnership. PROGRAMME, SUMMIT REPORT

2000 Malmö

The 2nd BDF Summit recommended the first building blocks of a regional strategy to further economic growth and political stability, stressing the importance of speedy accession of the Baltic states to the EU. The Summit also called for actions to stimulating the regional business climate. SUMMIT REPORT

1999 Copenhagen

This first Baltic Development Forum Summit’s explored the potential for advancing partnerships and growth in the Baltic Sea Region.  A range of topics were covered, such as stability, management, investment, culture and identity, energy and IT/telecom. This was the first time that regional actors from private and public sectors met for cross-sector discussions. SUMMIT REPORT