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Stakeholders join forces to develop the Fehmarnbelt region

in BDF Events, News

Stakeholders of the Fehmarnbelt region are now cooperating to create a new region with a more strongly integrated economy, labor market, tourism, culture and politics. The link that binds it all together is the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, which is the biggest transport infrastructure project in Northern Europe.

The cooperation of stakeholders has decided to establish a joint large scale cooperation and event on the development of the region. The event addresses a broad scope of participants covering the entity from Scania in Sweden over Eastern Denmark to Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg in Germany.

Fehmarnbelt Days

The Fehmarnbelt Days are to be held from 26th to 28th September 2012, starting with a reception in Hamburg and followed by two conference days in Lübeck. The venue will bring together all stakeholders with an interest in paving the way for the creation of a new Fehmarnbelt region – a region that draws on its full potential.

The vision for the Fehmarnbelt Days is to create a milestone in the development of the Fehmarnbelt region for the approximately 10 million inhabitants across Northern Germany, Eastern Denmark and southern Sweden. It is important that all inhabitants of the region get involved in shaping this new region and explore the new possibilities. The conference venue Lübeck underlines that also the region between the two metropolises Hamburg and Öresund will benefit. Leo Larsen, Managing Director of Femern A/S

The Fehmarnbelt Days are a joint umbrella for venues to be organised individually by the participants. Each conference will have its own identity and unique character. The event offers organisations and networks the opportunity to arrange conferences, seminars, smaller meetings or workshops in parallel with, or after, the main conferences. All organisations involved in regional development around the Fehmarnbelt are invited either as co-sponsors of one of the major conferences or as host of their own event.

So far, the venue comprises events by Femern A/S, STRING, the Fehmarnbelt Business Council (FBBC), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lübeck, Femern Belt Development, the Fehmarnbelt Committee and the Baltic Development Forum.

The large turnout for the Fehmarnbelt Days shows the determination among stakeholders in economy and politics in Sweden, Denmark and Germany to benefit from the modernisation of the infrastructure and the closer cooperation between the regions and nations. The new infrastructure is one of the important tools in creating a responsible and lasting growth in Northern Europe for the benefit of the inhabitants and societies. We have a window of opportunities and we see it as our obligation to make the best use of it in cooperation with many other decision makers in- and outside the region. Jacob Vestergaard, Managing Director of STRING

The idea of the Fehmarnbelt Days supports perfectly the goals of FBBC. This conference will be another milestone regarding the strategic cooperation. Now is the right time to form the base for a united and successful future in the region. By gathering the resources under the umbrella of the Fehmarnbelt Days we are able to create synergies for all parties involved, creating a common voice strong enough to be heard on European level. Matthias Schulz-Kleinfeldt, President of the FBBC and CEO of the Lübeck Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Fehmarnbelt Committee will actively join the Fehmarnbelt Days. We see the Fehmarnbelt Days as a very good opportunity to promote the region on both sides of the FehmarnbeltReinhard Sager (Kreis Ostholstein) and Steen Bach Nielsen (Region Zealand), chairmen of the Committee

This event will highlight not only the fixed link but also the business opportunities in this upcoming region. We will actively support Fehmarnbelt Days, utilizing our broad network among politicians and business leaders in the region. Hans Skov Christensen, Chairman of Baltic Development Forum

Further information on the Fehmarnbelt Days


Mr. Jacob Vestergaard | Tel. +45 5787 5851 | Email: jves@regionsjaelland.dk

STRING is a partnership of the regions of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Zealand, the capital city region of Copenhagen and Scania.

Femern A/S

Mr. Ajs Dam | Tel. +45 33 41 63 29 | E-mail: ajs@femern.dk Mr. Arndt Baumann | Tel. + 49 30 28 87 65 999 | Email: aba@femern.de

Femern A/S is tasked with the designing and planning of a fixed link between Denmark and Germany across the Fehmarnbelt.


Mrs. Mette Vindbæk Tost | Tel. +45 32 83 00 81 | E-Mail: mvt@fbbc.eu

FBBC members: Dansk Industri, Dansk Erhverv, Deutsch-Dänische Handelskammer, Zealand Business Connection, Sydsvenska handelskammaren, Handelskammer Hamburg, IHK Schleswig-Holstein, Handwerkskammer Schleswig-Holstein, Kaufmannschaft zu Lübeck, Vereinigung der Unternehmensverbände in Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein.

Baltic Development Forum

Mr. Torben Aaberg | Tel. +45 60218574 | Email: ta@bdforum.org


Mr. Horst Weppler | Tel.+49 4521 788 380 | Email: h.weppler@kreis-oh.de

The Fehmarnbelt-Committee is a cross-border, German-Danish working and coordination body. Information on the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link: www.femern.com Information on the Fehmarnbelt region: www.fehmarnbelt-portal.de | www.femernbaelt-portal.dk[/box]

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